Release 11th December 2019
CORE 1.17.8 [SciNote Premium]
This SciNote Premium release includes all updates and features that were released in CORE 1.17.7 [SciNote Free].
Release 4th December 2019
CORE 1.17.7 [SciNote Free]
With this SciNote release we are introducing several exciting improvements for our users!
1. Improved Global activities filters
We improved the Global activities filters to enable users filtering of the activities in a more refined manner. Along with the current filtering options, we have now exposed some additional filters to simplify filtering of the activities based on Projects, Experiments and Tasks, activities related to Inventories or Inventory items, Protocols or Reports. So, filtering of the recorded activities in SciNote will now be simple and fun!
2. Improved autosaving in text fields
Another welcoming advancement is the improved autosaving in several text fields within SciNote. The users’ input in plan or rich text fields (on Tasks, Experiments and Projects) will now be saved on click away (without the need to click the Save button). This will ensure seamless saving of the data in SciNote and prevent data loss.
Even in case users will navigate away or close the browser without saving the text, their input will still not be lost. When returning to the field with the unsaved content, users will get the notification that there is an unsaved draft in the text field and they will be able to restore it simply.
3. Additional endpoints for SciNote API (focusing on Task level)
Last but not least, we added some additional endpoints to SciNote API (focusing on the Task level), so that it now covers all the basic functionalities of SciNote. Integrations with SciNote will thus be even more powerful.
Other improvements:
- fixed adding additional tasks to report
- a few other minor fixes
Release 13th November 2019
CORE 1.17.6 [SciNote Premium]
This SciNote Premium release includes all updates and features that were released in CORE 1.17.5.
Release 6th November 2019
CORE 1.17.5 [SciNote Free]
With this release we enriched SciNote with new avatar images!
Instead of uploading your own profile photo, you now have an option to select a predefined image that you would like to use for your avatar. These have been designed in a way to reflect your role in the team, but you can also choose one according to your preferences.
How to set it up?
Simply go to Settings in your SciNote and on the Profile page click on your Profile photo to edit it. The avatar set-up window will open, where you can either upload your own photo or select one of the predefined avatars below. Clink on your preferred avatar and Save.
Other improvements:
- minor fix for import
- fixed sign up/sign in with LinkedIn
- a few other minor fixes
Release 9th October 2019
CORE 1.16.11 [SciNote Free] [SciNote Premium]
SciNote Premium is now integrated with the chemical drawing tool by ChemAxon, Marvin JS.
We are giving the 30-day free trial license (starting today) to all Scinote Premium users!
This trial license enables our Premium users to draw and modify chemical structures or chemical reactions directly from the SciNote interface as they work on their experiments.
How does it work?
1.) Click Create Chemical Drawing
You can access the chemical drawing tool from any rich text editor field on Task (on Protocols or Results sections). A new icon named Create Chemical Drawing is now located in the top right corner of your rich text editor, next to the button for adding pictures.
Alternatively, you can create a chemical drawing as an attached file in any Attachments section in SciNote, by clicking on the button Create Chemical Drawing on the right, close to New Office file button.
2.) Draw Your Chemical Structure or Chemical Reaction
A new window will appear with all the functionalities this chemical drawing tool has to offer. Here you can draw your chemical structures or chemical reactions, add text to the drawings, rotate or mirror molecules, represent your creations in 3D, etc. The tool also recognizes common names for compounds and draws them for you. You can add the name of the drawing in the top row.
3.) Save & Close
When you are done, simply click Save and Close button. The image will be inserted directly into the text field in SciNote or attached as a file in the Attachments section, from where you have created it. You can then resize, edit or download the image.
What happens after the 30-day trial?
You will still be able to access all the images of chemical drawings you created, download them, annotate them, export them and search them. However, you will no longer be able to create new chemical drawings or edit the existing ones, until you prolong your chemical drawing tool license.
How to prolong the license?
If you are a SciNote Premium user and would like to prolong the use of this chemical drawing tool, contact your key account manager, or send us your request here, and we will guide you through.
If you do not use SciNote Premium yet, we kindly invite you to check out SciNote academia and industry plans here.
- Major file processing improvements
- Improve the auto-save functionality
- Small rich text formatting improvements
Bug fixes:
- Minor bugfixes
SCINOTE ADDON: COMMON 1.3.8 [SciNote Free] [SciNote Premium]
- Minor performance and other improvements
SCINOTE ADDON: AI MANUSCRIPT 1.2.8 [SciNote Free] [SciNote Premium]
- Minor performance improvements
- Minor bugfixes
- Minor performance improvements
- Minor performance improvements
- Minor performance improvements
- Minor performance improvements
- Minor bugfixes
Release 12th September 2019
CORE 1.16.9 [SciNote Free]
- Some minor improvements were made to improve user-friendliness.
- Add an additional “+ New step” button for adding protocol steps in Task and in Protocol repository.
- Inventory name is now inline editable.
- Implemented major performance improvements regarding file handling.
Bug fixes:
- Implemented minor security improvements, made a lot of minor bugfixes.
- Fixed image annotation bug in Safari.
ADDON: AI MANUSCRIPT 1.2.7 [SciNote Free]
- Implemented major performance improvements regarding file handling.
CORE 1.16.9 [SciNote Premium]
With this release we are introducing a new feature in SciNote – Inventory sharing that allows you to share individual Inventories between different Teams!
You will now be able to share visibility of the selected Inventories across selected Teams and have e.g. a “Central” inventory of Instruments, Reagents, Samples, etc.
Inventory sharing will only be enabled for Team administrators, by clicking the new Share button.
This will open a modal window where you can select one or more teams you want to share your inventory with and give them either View or Edit permission (you can switch from View to Edit mode by clicking on the slider button under Can Edit)
Inventory can also be shared across all teams at once, by selecting the All teams (current & new) option, which includes all current teams and any new team that will be created.
Of course, all activities regarding the inventory sharing will be recorded in the Audit Trail.
To learn more about View and Edit mode of sharing inventories with other Teams, read this article.
- Fixed a minor issue with the deletion of items belonging to locked tasks.
- Expanded the list of audit trail records with inventory sharing activities.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
Bug fixes:
- Implemented minor security improvements, made many minor bugfixes.
- Fixed image annotation bug in Safari.
Release 17th July 2019
CORE 1.16.7 [SciNote Free]
After this release you will be able to download reports in the .docx format which will enable you customizing report documents.
In order to download the report in .docx file format, click the Download button and choose DOCX Report as seen on the image below.
Besides .docx report format, another update was released – thumbnail previewing of attached files. From now on, attached files will have a thumbnail preview to enable you a glimpse of what the file contains before opening it.
In addition to the images that already enable the thumbnail preview, here is the list of other file types that support this new feature: .xls, .xslx, .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf and .txt.
With this release, we also introduced importing of protocols from into SciNote by consuming API. This will enable direct import of protocols from without the need for cumbersome export-import steps.
We added External protocols tab into protocols inventory, which hosts the integration with only, allowing you to search, preview and import a protocol directly from
External protocols screen is divided into search bar (with sorting options), search results pane, protocol preview pane (for selected protocols from the search pane) and SciNote’s preview modal window.
In the search bar, users are able to search public protocols in database with a help of predefined sorting options. When you click one of the buttons the corresponding sorting is applied to listed protocols.
Below, in the search results pane, the hit results are listed.
In the protocol preview pane on the right, the protocol is displayed in its original format. You can import the desired protocol by clicking the Import button on the protocol card listed in the search results pane or on the preview pane.
And last but not least, we created our own educational platform SciNote Academy where all SciNote users will be able to learn the basic and advanced SciNote functionalities.
From now on you are going to be able to access the SciNote Academy directly from the software. The SciNote Academy buttons are located in the upper right corner of the top bar and in the bottom of the menu bar as seen on the image below.
Besides the new additions, we made some other improvements as well:
- Renewed and unified comments sections,
- new Recent protocols from the Repository button on task screen, and
- the ability to crop and preview user avatar in user settings.
Bug fixes:
- Implemented minor security improvements, made several minor bugfixes.
- Implemented minor performance improvements, other small improvements.
- Implemented minor performance improvements, small UI improvements.
- Implemented minor performance improvements.
Release 23rd May 2019
This SciNote Premium release includes all updates and features that were released in CORE 1.16.3.
CORE 1.16.4 [SciNote Premium]
- Minor visual improvements
Bug fixes:
- A few minor bugs fixed
ADD-ON: AI MANUSCRIPT 1.2.5 [SciNote Premium]
- Minor improvement
- Minor optimization of permissions
- Minor visual bugs fixed
- Implemented the option to delete pending users
- Minor bug fixed
Release 15th May 2019
CORE 1.16.3 [SciNote Free] [SciNote Premium]
The task page (and protocol itself) just got a new refreshed look in addition to other improvements: rich text protocol description field (where you can add a rich text description of your task), a more powerful and improved attachments section, and a floating toolbar when editing descriptions.
We also added another option to the previous integration with Microsoft Office. From now on, you can create new MS Office files right from protocol repository, protocol step or results section.
To make sure you don’t lose your data, we got a brand-new functionality – autosave! In addition, whenever you will try to close the browser window, you will get a general warning if there is any unsaved data. If you navigate away the unsaved data will be saved in the browser and will be available next time you navigate to the same screen.
- Task name is now inline editable
- Tags on the task have improved interactions for adding tags
- Improved image file upload into task/result description fields
- Improved image annotation – now you can zoom in/out
- Improved .eln exporter to include images
- Some other minor security improvements
Bug fixes:
- Added missing activity for importing items and deleting tags
- Leaving task page without saving, displays a warning message
- A few other minor bugs
Release 18th April 2019
This time both SciNote Free and SciNote Premium are released at the same time. In addition to the implementations and bugfixes mentioned bellow, Premium release also includes everything from CORE 1.16.0.
CORE 1.16.2 [SciNote Free] [SciNote Premium]
A few new activities were implemented in order to make the Global activities page even more detailed, along with a couple of other minor optimizations.
Optimization of filtering system on Global activities page.
Faster loading of an experiment image.
A scroll bar was added to the team switch, which allows you to scroll through your teams in case you are a member of many teams.
Bug fixes:
- When a task is completed due date is no longer shown in the Project card
- A few other minor bugs
- Minor optimizations due to the new activities
- Fixed several minor bugs
ADD-ON: AUDIT TRAILS 1.2.5 [SciNote Premium]
- Minor optimizations due to the new activities
- Fix a bug when inviting a user with an email that included space
Release 4th April 2019
CORE 1.16.0 [SciNote Free]
For this release we have prepared a special treat for you that is Image Annotation feature!
Every image you upload in SciNote can now be edited – you can draw on it, write text, add different shapes and icons (e.g. arrows, circles, stars), change its colors and brightness, crop it, etc.
In order to annotate the image, click on it to open the image preview screen. Click the Edit button in the right upper corner to start editing. In the footer of the preview screen (below the image) you see the editing toolbar that includes undo, redo, crop, shape, text, etc.
After you are finished with annotating click Save & Close button in the right upper corner. Your image will be saved and its resolution preserved.
As for the image file types, the Image Annotation feature for now supports .jpeg and .png – more image file formats are coming soon.
Besides Image Annotation feature, another major update was released – the Advanced filtering of all activities in SciNote.
From now on, you can use advanced filters to search for specific laboratory activities you are interested in. You can filter the activities for an individual user or entire team in specific time period on a project, experiment or task level. You can also select the activities for the inventories, protocols and reports.
The advanced filtering was introduced to Global Activities (in the left menu bar of the main dashboard) and Task Activity (in the top menu bar of the task screen).
The Activities screen is divided into three panes: top filter, activity and side filter pane.
In the top filter pane you can expand or collapse the history of activities. In the activity pane up to 20 activities are displayed by default, but you can scroll down and click Show more activities. The side filter pane contains individual filters: Team, Activity created, Activity type, User and Object.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug when sometimes inventory name was not displayed in the activities.
- The smart annotation links are now valid and functional within the protocol.
- Other minor bug fixed.
ADD-ON: COMMON 1.3.4 [SciNote Free]
- Minor bugs fixed
ADD-ON: GAMIFICATION 1.3.3 [SciNote Free]
- Minor bugs fixed
Release 14th March 2019
CORE 1.15.8 [SciNote Premium]
This SciNote Premium release includes all updates from the CORE 1.15.4 [SciNote Free].
With this release, Organization Administrators can now also become project members of any project by clicking “Add me as owner” on a project card.
ADD-ON: AUDIT TRAILS 1.2.4 [SciNote Premium]
- Minor optimization
- Minor optimization
- New time formats are now available also in system logs
- Organization Administrators can now add themselves as project members to any project.
Release 28th February 2019
CORE 1.15.4 [SciNote Free]
With this release we are introducing What’s new notifications. There you will find all announcements about new releases, new features, major improvements and other important updates related to SciNote. Notifications related to your use of SciNote, such as your activities, exports, will remain in the same place.
Experiment templates are now available for you within the project card “Templates” on the main dashboard. You can choose between numerous, most commonly used life science experiments. Each of them includes descriptions, protocols and graphics.
You can easily edit and develop them further during your research work.
We also added a brand new Demo project to your dashboard. You can use it as a project template.
We updated look and feel of Experiment cards. They are slightly smaller now and the “Copy as template” button is more exposed making it even easier to copy experiments (e.g. from Templates) as templates.
We also made some performance improvements to make SciNote even faster.
Bug fixes:
- We fixed a bug when the counter displaying number of assigned users to task was not updated after assigning/unassigning users to task.
- We fixed a bug that prevented editing/copying/deleting of inventory items after reordering of inventory columns.
- We fixed a bug that prevented users that were removed from a team to switch teams.
- A bug related to navigating between archived and active Projects/Experiments/Tasks in SciNote was resolved.
Release 23rd and 28th January 2019
CORE 1.15.3 [SciNote Free] [SciNote Premium]
- We removed the “Edit Online” button in case of opening incompatible MS Office file formats. You can edit the following file formats: .docx, .docm, .odt, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, .ods, .pptx, ppsx, and .odp. 14.4
- We added numbers of assigned items to the Inventories drop-down list in the task screen.
- We updated the starting tutorial. To see the tutorial, open the Support tab in the left lower corner of the dashboard and click “Repeat tutorial”.
Bug fixes:
- Due dates can now be set on a task card in case of “dd-Mon-yyyy” date format.
- Newly created experiment or task are now instantly added to the navigation sidebar.
- We fixed a few API related bugs, such as task outputs/inputs, task activity, task user ID, project pagination etc. We also made some corrections in API documentation as well. [Relevant for SciNote Premium release]
- We fixed an issue with opening binary files (e.g. Excel) in exported project .zip file. [Relevant for SciNote Premium release]
- Some other minor bug fixes.
ADD-ON: COMMON 1.3.1 [SciNote Free] [SciNote Premium]
- We refactored navigation sidebar to use server-side caching