Release 22nd December 2016
sciNote version 1.6
We got a lot of feedback from our users on the Samples table, so our developers devoted their time on its improvement.
One of the main changes in the Samples table is the “Columns” dropdown menu, where you can create your own custom columns. You can also edit the columns, delete them or make them non-visible. The rearrangement of the order of the columns is now also possible. Reordering of the columns and their visibility in the Samples table is user specific, meaning that each user can make different columns visible, in a different order.
Under the “Types and groups“, next to the “Columns” dropdown menu, a new page for managing sample types and groups was added. Here you can create, edit or delete sample types and groups, which are now unique – there cannot be multiple instances of the same type or group.
The next noticeable new functionality is hyperlinking. Hyperlinks are now automatically recognized in the following fields: Experiment description, Task description, Protocol step description, Samples table, Comments and Checklists.
Furthermore, code view in the Rich text format editor now supports the syntax highlighting for several languages, such as Python, D, Mathematica, Matlab, Fortran, R and many others.
As for other improvements, we were able to ensure smoother file uploading and downloading and fix some minor bugs.
Release 24th November 2016
sciNote version 1.5
With sciNote version 1.5 you have a chance to earn additional storage space by inviting new users to sciNote or by completing a few basic steps when you log in to sciNote for the first time. You will get 1 GB of additional storage space and 10 Leaves for each user you invite and up to 10 GB in total.
You can invite users to sciNote by selecting “Invite people to sciNote” in the dropdown menu on the Dashboard. You can also invite users to your Team from the Team management in the Settings menu.
When you first log in to sciNote, a “Welcome” window appears, offering you a possibility to earn extra storage space for your Team and 10 Leaves for your account by completing 4 basic steps.
The more you use sciNote, the more A4 sheets of paper you save. One A4 page of paper is equivalent to one Leaf. Under your profile you can check your statistics, such as how many Leaves have you saved so far. Read more how you can plant the Digital forest with us.
Rich text formatting
You can now use rich text formatting (RTF) in Protocol steps and Results. Basic formatted text documents support bold, italic and underline text formatting, different font styles, size and color, bullets, hyperlinks, alignment, etc. Text also stays formatted in a Report and text areas automatically resize as user types or deletes the text.
We have also dedicated special attention to bug fixes. For example, protocol checklist items now don’t change the order when user would save the protocol to Protocol repository.
Release 26th October 2016
sciNote version 1.4
You can already keep track of all the activities that occur within sciNote. However, this time we designed much more sophisticated way of recording and following users’ activities – the Notifications.
There are three types of Notifications:
- Change notification
- Assignment notification
- Update notification
To open the Notifications, click on the bell icon in the top bar of the Dashboard and ten most recent notifications will be displayed. Under “Settings” you can choose to see the notifications in sciNote directly and/or receive them via email.
If you want all notifications to be displayed, scroll down and click “Show all notifications”.
The next big improvement in sciNote 1.4 is the Global team switch that enables users to easily switch between different Teams they belong to and work without any interruptions.
Additional improvements:
• Unifying the Comments on Projects and Tasks
• displaying more information for individual samples in the Sample table
• enabling to change the Billing plan from a free to a paid one
• fixing bugs
• improving the “My preferences” tab
Release 29th September 2016
sciNote version 1.3
For this sciNote version we focused on improving Tables in Protocol steps and Results. Tables now support basic math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) just like Excel spreadsheets do.
You can also use the functions listed below:
- SUM that adds together a supplied set of numbers and returns the sum of these values;
- AVERAGE that returns the arithmetic mean of a list of supplied numbers;
- MEDIAN that returns the statistical median (the middle value) of a list of supplied numbers;
- MAX that returns the largest value from a supplied set of numeric values;
- MIN that returns the smallest value from a supplied set of numeric values;
- SLOPE that calculates the slope of the linear regression line through a supplied set of x- and y- values;
- IF that tests a supplied condition and returns one result if the condition evaluates to TRUE, and another result if the condition evaluates to FALSE;
- SQRT that calculates the positive square root of a supplied number;
- POWER that calculates a given number, raised to a supplied power;
- LOG that calculates the logarithm of a given number, to a supplied base;
- LN that calculates the natural logarithm of a given number;
- LOG10 that calculates the base 10 logarithm of a given number.
Some other improvements have been made in sciNote as well. Let’s take a look at them.
Extended length of text field
You can now write names of Experiments and Protocol steps with limitation of 255 characters and descriptions with 10,000 characters.
Redesigned Navigation pane
We have added the connecting line of Experiments in the Navigation pane, where you can expand or collapse the Experiments and get a better overview.
Reorder of Comments and Messages
The Comments section in Protocols steps and Results has been moved bellow the description (it’s not in a separate tab any more). Also the order of Messages in the Project and Task cards has been changed. The most recent Messages are now seen at the end of the correspondence.
Deleting Results
You can now delete Results. First you archive them, then you go to the Archive and delete them. This way you have a “safety net” against deleting Results by accident.
Info button
In the upper right corner of the Dashboard you can now access the Info button, where you can find links to support on how to use sciNote features (e.g., Tutorials, FAQ) or how to change your current sciNote Plan (e.g., Professional support and customization, Plans). In case you have some other questions or suggestions, click on the Contact us link.
Release 31st August 2016
sciNote version 1.2
To give you more flexibility while organizing your work, we added a new feature to sciNote: Experiment level. Now you can organize your Tasks and Workflows into different Experiments inside of an individual Project.
When you open a Project you will see Experiments displayed as thumbnails.
All your existing Tasks and Workflows are now in a single Experiment called “My first experiment”. You can always rename it, create new Experiments and move Workflows between them. To move a Task or a Workflow to a different Experiment, do the following:
- Open Experiment that contains a Workflow you would like to move and click Edit experiment.
- In the Options dropdown of any Task select Move workflow to another experiment.
- Select Experiment from the dropdown and click Move workflow. The Workflow is now part of the selected Experiment, this way you can still have multiple Workflows in one Experiment.
The hierarchy in the Navigation pane has changed as well.
sciNote version 1.2 also brings you new functionalities, such as:
- Editing and deleting Comments,
- Improved positioning of Tasks on canvas,
- Cloning Workflows,
- Archiving Workflows and
- Improved uploading of files.
Release 15th July 2016
sciNote version 1.1
The sciNote version 1.1 brings brand new Protocol management, where you can:
- Easily edit existing protocols
- Reuse existing protocols from the Protocols repository within one Team
- Export and import sciNote protocols in new *.eln file format
- Share and exchange protocols in a *.eln format
- Search through the Protocols repository with global search
We also didn’t forget to polish the details:
- You now collaborate in a Team (instead of Organization)
- You now create Tasks (instead of Modules)
- We also dedicated special attention to bug fixes so they don’t cause you any trouble during your research.