Tutorials on SciNote’s Inventory Management
1 min read
It is important to track which samples were used in which experiment. Not only to keep track of your current work, but also to keep reference long-term and even meet specific requirements when applying for grants or patents.
Creating the inventories and uploading items from your list
Inventories (previously called” Repositories“) in SciNote are libraries of items you would like to keep track of. You can manage all kinds of laboratory necessities such as reagents, instruments, and plasmids for example.
There is no need to add inventory items one by one, SciNote allows you to upload entire Excel lists.
Creating the inventories and uploading items from your list
By creating custom columns, you can include information that is unique to each inventory, such as validation date for instruments, expiration date for reagents, unique sample IDs, barcodes, pictures, files etc.
Inventories in SciNote allow your team to be up-to date with information e.g. which chemicals are available or which plasmid they can use to perform their experiments.
Learn more about managing your inventory with our guide to SciNote’s inventory management PDF
Connecting your data
Once in sciNote, your samples can be assigned to specific parts of your experiments i.e. tasks. In this way, you can track which samples were added, by whom, when and which experiment they were assigned to.